Booking Policy

Booking Policy

What does Aeris Clinic do with your personal information?

In addition to any purpose notified to you at the time of collection, Aeris Clinic uses your personal information for the purpose for which it has been provided, for reasonably related secondary purposes and for the purposes of:

  • Providing our services to you.
  • Providing services that are provided by our third-party partners (Electronic Script).
  • Our internal management, analytics and tracking needs.
  • Keeping your account updated, including a record of services you previously purchased.
  • Our marketing activities, including marketing activities relating to Aeris Clinic services that are provided by the office team such as offering an early appointment and etc.
  • Responding to any inquiries or comments that you submit to us.
  • Improving our business services or customer experience.
  • Assessing, processing and managing your applications for Aeris Clinic services or services offered by us.
  • Any other purpose you have consented to and any use which is required or authorised by law.